Modern Life, Zombies & Young Adults

Ever wonder why zombies have become more and more popular? Do you have a zombie stick-figure family glued to the back window of your minivan? Maybe it’s just entertainment, but interest in The Walking Dead and similar shows might also reflect current attempts to deal with some very real worries and concerns. While young adults are no longer growing up under the icy cloud of the Cold War, anxiety about climate change, environmental disasters, terrorism, political conflicts and roller-coaster economies is ever-present. In a world that has grown smaller through the Internet and expanding, crowd-based forms of media, we now learn about the latest concerns and crises as they arise, minute-by-minute in full HD video. And maybe concerns about the apocalypse are not even new…for an interesting take on this, listen to the CBC Ideas podcast, The Coming Zombie Apocalypse, 27 October 2015