Group Facilitation / Consultation

 Group process is both highly rewarding and highly frustrating. Uniting for a common set of purposes allows us to achieve goals in that are larger and have more impact than those we undertake as individuals. At the same time, because of varied personalities, perspectives and approaches, groups can get stuck, particularly in the face of change. No organization or community survives without adapting to our ever-changing social, cultural and financial environment. However, individuals react to change in a widely varying way. Sometimes progress and growth is impaired by a loss of corporate morale and growing stagnation. In addition, individual staff or members can act toward self-oriented goals (status, security, etc.) which severely handicaps the larger group as it tries to move forward. Finally, challenging events such as accidents, loss or sudden change may need to formally processed in order for a group to return to a healthier and productive state.

If your organization or community is struggling with these kinds of difficulties, consider a consultation and/or a facilitated process:

  1. Consultation: Executive members/staff can meet to discuss critical personnel issues in order to more strategically meet the needs of the organization or community.
  2. Facilitation: Dr. Dodgson can meet with small (2-4) to larger (5-20) groups as a facilitator to serve as a facilitator toward a more even, open and smoother process. Particular groups may need to process a particular event or problem that has occurred, while others may be striving toward finding common ground with respect goals and the methods to achieve those goals.

For further information, please contact Dr. Dodgson.